jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

sábado, 26 de abril de 2008

Books and baby

Is it wrong that we have more than 18 books for our child already, but no child in sight?
The last three were bought Tuesday and we swore to ourselves we were not going to buy more until our child was at least a fetus. So far, so good.
We’re going to a book fair today; let’s see if we can keep our promise.
In the meantime Stork is reading the book about dragons and I read the Spanish Atlas (bought in honor of Stork’s homeland); so it’s not a total waste of money if our child decides not to come.

martes, 25 de marzo de 2008

Ring around the sun

Yesterday morning Stork came to get me to show me what she described as “a round rainbow around the sun”. She took her camera and out we went. It turns out it wasn’t as colourful as a rainbow, but it was an amazing sight nonetheless.

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

Lazy cleaning lady

We caught our cleaning lady taking a nap while on duty. Should we fire her?

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008


Today is our anniversary. Four years since declaring our feelings to each other. That was our “wedding”. I don’t know about Stork, but I’m hoping for at least 40 more years of this.

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008

The Kid

We went to our friend’s house a few days ago with Itty Bitty (the puppy) in tow. It turns out that The Kid is terrified of dogs. I guess that after half an hour without moving from the couch, afraid that if his feet touched the floor they would be devoured by the menacing Itty Bitty, he got a little fed up of the 3 pound creature running freely in his realm and asked his father:
“Dad, where can you turn it off?” (IT being Itty Bitty)

jueves, 20 de marzo de 2008

Little green suitcase

We have a small lime green suitcase filled with dreams. It all started September 2008 when a 7 month baby girl was going to move with us. It’s a sad story, but it’s full of hope. We received a call, something was said and then four letters that ripped our hearts out. It was not possible for her to be with us, she had to go to “someone more experienced”, and so things and dreams got stored as our little girl sailed into her new life.
Now as both she and us are doing better, I took the suitcase out, and upon inspection realized that as much as we want to adopt, the time has come for us to TTC. Now we wait as new words mark our daily calendar. Basal Body Temperature time it is.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008

I'm ready for my close up Mr DeMille

Lately we’ve had some time to do more of the things we like. We’re not tv people, at least not as much as some of our friends; in fact, the only tv show we watch is Lost. But when it comes to movies, we LOVE them, so it’s only logical than on our lazy days we might watch a movie or two. But I can honestly say that American movies, apart from those from the independent film industry, are becoming major disappointments, so we’re trying to get our hands on more foreign films. Getting suggestions from labutaca.com instead of rottentomatoes.com has made it easier, leaving as the only dilemma whether it’s going to be a movie with subtitles (which I favour) or Spanish translation (Stork’s choice numero uno).
I have to say that so far this week we’ve been pleasantly surprised with movies such as XXY, Love Me If You Dare and The Lives of Others.

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2008

Ants in the sky

Air shows: Let me just say that I can think of 27,000 better things to do on a Saturday (including root canal surgery), but realizing that my 41 year old friend can turn into a 3 year old when an airplane flies over him ALMOST made me feel like it wasn’t a total waste of time.
What is up with guys and planes? Is not like you can wear, eat or cuddle them!!

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

Dog with no name

Our family has gotten bigger as we now are the proud mothers of a puppy. She’s been with us for a week and we still have not agreed on a name. We’ve gone trough a few (Cat, Sushi…) but they don’t seem to stick for more than a day. Today we have two more names for her: Cuba and Seven (yes, like George Constanza). No big deal, I went without a name for whole month.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008

34 is way better than 33

Survived B-day. Saw a lot of people I wasn't expecting to see. Felt loved. Loved my gifts, all 4 of them (a new record). Zapatero won in Spain. Chavez is withdrawing his troops from the Colombian border.

Not a bad day by any means. I’m looking forward to this “new age”.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008

This is weird...

Everyone, including tough critic Stork, is telling me that I’m losing weight; which it’s weird all by it self since I’m NOT dieting. This morning, when the pants I had on started to fall off, I finally believed them, so up to the scale it was, just to find out I had gained 5 pounds.

Either the scale is wrong, or for some miraculous reason my greasy coat is turning into muscle.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

Too late to back down now, Stork.

There’s a BIG probability we’re getting married on our next trip to Spain. It makes me happier that I thought it would, who knew I was so traditional!!

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008

Why the name?

Well, basically Sawyer suggested it.

I'm Mondrian, my other half is Stork, and the names suits us perfectly; specially now that we're officially TTC (trying to conceive).

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008

And Freeheld won!!!!

One more brick taken from the wall. One step closer towards equality.

Although Alberto Iglesias and Persepolis went home empty handed, it has been a good night.

Rest in peace Laurel.

The Oscar goes to...

Javier Bardem!!!!!!!

And his mother, Pilar, and I both cried.

(BTW What the XXXX are you doing with Penelope, Javiercito?!?!? You deserve better!!)

This is why I love Tina Fey

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

Heather & Carol

The heart says Obama, the mind says Clinton

But things don’t look good for Hillary, and I really don’t think an Omaba/Clinton ticket will be happening (Obama/Edwards maybe) .

So Texans, PLEASE vote!!!

viernes, 8 de febrero de 2008

fingir que...

...no me revienta el corazón con su acento.

...nunca compartimos finanzas.

...nuestro futuro no es común.

...no la encuentro radiante, iluminada, deslumbrante (y todos los demás sinónimos).

...su cama no es la mía.

...si la acompaño es porque está sola, no porque deseo.

...soy una más, o una menos… dependiendo de quién opine.

...no la quiero.
